Proposal Templates allow you to create pre-structured messages that you can send out to your customers regarding a proposal.
Creating a Proposal Template
To create a new proposal template or to view previous existing ones that have already been created in Teal, you must be logged in as a Teal administrator. Once you are logged in as an administrator, navigate to the CRM Settings page by clicking on the profile picture avatar that you have set for your account in the top-right corner of every page and selecting the CRM Settings link.
On the CRM Settings page, click on the Proposals Template link in the left-hand navigation menu. This will then bring you over to the Proposal Template page where you can add a new template or view already existing ones that you have created inside of Teal.
To view or editing an existing proposal template, simply click on the Template Name in the list of templates or by clicking on the Edit icon.
On this page you can add or change the Template Name, an area where you can add in pre-defined variables to your message, and the HTML Template text area to type in your template message. Simply click on the Select Module drop-down menu to view variables related to a specific module, and then select the Select Field drop-down menu to view the variable names that you can add into your message.
Once you have found the variable that you would like to include into your message, simply click on the Insert Field button to the right of the drop-down menus and it will then be added into the HTML Template text area box. Continue these steps to fill out your template and then click Save once you are done.
To use the template that you created, navigate to a Proposal record inside of Teal, then click on the action arrow beside the Edit Proposal button and select the Download PDF link.
A new pop-up will appear on the screen where you can then start typing in the name of the Proposal Template that you would like to use.