Teal CRM Version: v1.0

The Contacts Overview page allows you to review and manage any details regarding a contact record that you have inside of Teal. You also have the ability to look up information from other modules regarding the same contact record and adding or viewing information for that module from there.

Accessing a Contact Record

To view a contact record, click on the Contacts menu link within the navigation bar.

From there you will see a list of all the existing records you have inside of Teal.

Click on a Contact record that's listed in blue. You will then be brought into the Contacts Overview page which will have their related information listed on the left side of the page, the contact-related modules, and the Activity Feed related to that contact record.

Contact Overview Pane

In the left-hand side of the Contact Overview page, you can quickly view the related information associated to that contact record such as their job title, birthdate, email address, work phone, and more.

Contact Modules

In the middle are the modules for that specific contact record (Tasks, Deals, Notes, and Meetings). You can view the other related modules by clicking on the module name which will switch the tab view over to that module.

From within the module name, you have the ability to quickly view information related to that account record.

For example, if there was a new task created that was associated with that contact, they will then be displayed within that module pane inside of that contact record.

You can click on that module item to view more information about that module-related item, add a new module item, or view more of those related records all from within the Contact Overview page.

Activity Feed

In the right-hand side of the page, you have an Activity Feed where you can quickly post updates regarding what changes or additions have been done to that contact record.