Teal CRM Version: v1.0
The Proposals Overview page allows you to review and manage any details regarding a Proposal record that you have inside of Teal. You also have the ability to look up information from other modules regarding the same proposal record and adding or viewing information for that module from there.
Accessing a Proposal Record
To view a Proposal record, click on the Proposals menu link within the navigation bar.
From there you will see a list of all the existing proposal records you have inside of Teal.
Click on a Proposal record that's listed in blue. You will then be brought into the Proposals Overview page which will have their related information listed on the left side of the page, the opportunity-related modules, and the Activity Feed related to that proposal record.
Proposals Overview Pane
On this page you can insert the Name of the proposal, the deal that the proposal is associated with, the date that the quote was generated on, the Account name that the proposal will be sent to, the date on how long the proposal is valid until, the Contact name that is associated with the account, the stage/status of the proposal, and any comments that you would like to include with this proposal record.